Week 12
Date: 11/29/18 Time: 4:30-6:30pm
Week #: 12
Quick Summary:
- The finished the double bucket.
- We put rubber bands around our wheels in order to increase traction.
What We Accomplished: We updated our robot software from 3.7 to 4.3. We improved the arm and fixed the bucket problems. We practiced with the double bucket and it has greatly improved our average amount of minerals that we can put in the lander in 1 minute and 30 seconds. We added two short pieces of zip ties on the end of the bucket to keep the minerals from sliding into the wrong buckets on the lander. The final thing we did to the arm was to put two rubber bands on each sides of the arm to soften its fall. In order to fix our traction problems, we put rubber bands around our wheels in addition to the zip ties to fix our traction problems. This has fixed our problems. The final thing we did was to practice driving. We are prepared for our first real meet.